Outokumpu Copper Project
Outokumpu Copper Project covers the majority of the north-south trending Outokumpu Copper Belt, which has produced several high-grade copper mines, including the world famous Outokumpu Copper mine which produced 57mt @ 3.1% Cu + polymetallic credits between 1908-1988. Six drill ready targets have been identified to date, which the Company views as having good potential for hosting high grade copper along strike from and immediately adjacent to the mine.

Hydrogen and Helium Potential in the Outokumpu Belt
Following a systematic review, the previously unrecognized presence of high concentrations of helium and hydrogen gases have been discoverfed at its wholly owned Outokumpu Project. Independent studies associated with deep drilling results by the Geological Survey of Finland, identified significant potential for these gases, particularly within serpentinized ophiolites and associated geological formations, in the region. Best intersection recorded was of 100m at 5.6% helium (within an intersection of 1500m, at 1.5% helium). Gas sampling from the Outokumpu Deep Drillhole, which reached a total depth of 2480 meters, revealed high concentrations of other naturally forming industrial gasses such as argon, xenon, krypton, White Hydrogen and helium (with hydrogen being the dominant gas) returning results up to 46% hydrogen in gas samples taken from various saline groundwater samples.